Route 66 Electrified!

One SOARS! Events is launching a new kind of Route 66 in California that will Inspire, Uplift and Excite the world – Route 66 Electrified!
Introducing the World's first Electrify America Tour, beginning with the ! Event Domes with Interactive Videos projected on the interiors and screens that educate, entertain and Truly Inspire you as you witness and interact with people and technologies that are First-Hand Revolutionary and Evolutionary ideas, products and services that, while being Game Changing tech, are also created and built with our Sacred Planet and its Precious Resources honored and used responsibly.
From Green Energy Technology that uses ONLY lithium ion batteries to self-propel commercial grade electricity to self operating Vertical Indoor Gardening to highly indestructible buildings to the next generation Super Charging networks for Commercial Trucks and Cars to Bio-plastics that use Hemp & Limestone, (two highly available and renewable resources) that can bio-degrade quickly for cups and utensils, to a hard foam with insulation properties for buildings to building affordable, portable homes to a Prototype Restaurant-Style Junction with High Quality Healthy Foods from High End Chef Recipes, An Artisan Bakery Cafe, A Craftsmen Beer Station, Coffee and Tea Roasting Station, Public & Private Tours.
Promoting an Electrified New Route 66 starting in Santa Monica, California, moving on to Pasadena and ending in Barstow, California -