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What a Wonderful World We Live In?!
Just what is WADAFA?WADAFA??!! is a Fun way to Express our Lives about SOME Serious and other NOT at all Serious Stuff that we are being bombarded with on an HOURLY basis! No matter WHERE you come from WHAT you believe (As long as it inspires people & gets them to start constructive conversations) we Support your right to Be HAPPY! (WADAFA!!) and offer you the wares to Express yourself to the MAX! Even when the Proverbial SHTF (WADAFA??) the Topic is Expressed and THEN the conversation begins - WADAFA!! Amazing what the SAME word does with just a little tweak! I goes from an Uplifiting exclamation to a WTFJH?! Get your Friends, Family and Coworkers in on the Fun and make WADAFA your own by Customizing whatever Topic that you have a peave about or a passion - Let's talk about - be DISMAYED about it - and Ultimately Laugh and figure out Positive Solutions - just for the WADAFA of it! WADAFA? It's YOURS for the making - WADAFA?? It's YOURS for the taking it personally. WADAFA! It's YOURS to create whatever you feel Happy, Laughing & Grateful about! WADAFA!! It's YOURS to take the SHTF and make Roses and Sushine (?) almost sounds like Sushi-shine (wadafa?) spell correct = SUNSHINE, break it and remake it and we'll give you the wares that you need to make it happen! FUNDRAISERS for your School, Group or Cause - WADAFA! ALERT the world to the cause you care SO DEEPLY ABOUT - so whether it's SAVE THE POLKA DOTTED FROGS & BUTERFLIES FROM EXTINCTION or Fire FAUCI NOW! - we've got the materials that you need to make YOUR world - WADAFA - Ah!!!
How Quickly can I get my Stuff?FAST! Just follow these simple steps: Enter the amount of products that you want Click the "SHOOT IT TO ME" button Click the quanitities, size (if applicable), colors and designs Enter your Billing Information along with shipping address confirmation Choose "I need it As Soon as Possible" or "Get it to me ASAP!" or "I need it Yesterday!" and we'll get it to you faster than you can the Atlantic from Maine to Miami. We'll send you tracking info and ask you to rate your experience and product once delivered. Repeat as much as you please - puts a smile on your face - a song in your heart and maybe Big Money in your pockets or your group.
Can I insert a video in my FAQ?Yes! Users can add video from YouTube or Vimeo with ease: Enter App Settings Click the "Manage Questions" button Click on the question you would like to attach a video to When editing your answer, click on the video icon and then paste the YouTube or Vimeo video URL That's it! A thumbnail of your video will appear in answer text box
How do I edit or remove the "FAQ title"?"The FAQ title can be adjusted in the settings tab of the App Settings. You can also remove the title by unchecking its checkbox in the settings tab.
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