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Greetings to You Dear Friends,

We're here to build a Global Family not limited by Social Networks, emails, city limits or country borders for that matter. As the Founder of One SOARS! I want to take just a few minutes to share the Purpose and Passion of One SOARS!

In my many decades of life - having started working since 8 years old selling newspaper subscriptions to the Atlantic City press I have had the unique privilege to have made friends from all walks of life, from dozens of ethnicities and in over 2 dozen industries, working and playing with people from almost every walk of life worldwide with the exception of native Aborgines.

That being said, ever since I was 8, I also became obsessed with the idea to communicate with people and after seeing people get in trouble with each other because of lack of communication.​  As I write this it is my GREATEST desire to bring people together to Communicate in highly effective ways that bring such a Confidence to each person that they excel and live their lives as the Best Version of themselves.

I am among MILLIONS of others who are greatly inspired by many successful Inspirational Entrepreneurs who are People just like you and I but for one Primary Difference - "Taking Inspired Action on Ideas and Never giving up until their idea is achieved!"

and among them are:​​​

Vishen Lakhiani

Joe Polish

Greg Braden

Christie Marie Sheldon

Lisa Nichols

Dov Baron

Anthony Robbins

John Assaraf

Twenty Twenty

The Leaders

And there are so many others people like Dov Baron for his tremendous work in inspiring people to solidify a Real Foundation and Core Beliefs for their lives to successfully build upon, to John Assaraf for his passionate, focused search and revealing to us the Hard Science of what makes us tick as Human Beings and how to Leverage that knowledge, to Greg Braden, who has taken a scientific approach to Spirituality and for over 20 years has shown us the powerful commonality amongst us all and how important each of us are – individually and collectively and the threads and fabrics that weave us together on this amazing planet that we call home and Mother.

And one person that stands out very much in a particular way for me personally is Sir Richard Branson, whom I have an infinite amount of respect for and have recently have come to learn that our philosophies and goals in business are very much alike and very much in alignment.

I greatly admire and have learned so very much about Richard Branson this year through another Highly Successful Marketing Entrepreneur Joe Polish. Joe is personal friends with Sir Richard and has been able to get know him on a very personal and also get up close and interview him on many occasions and share those interviews with the world and I was Very pleasantly surprised that our business philosophies are nearly mirror images which, for me is very encouraging and it lets me know that I am not that crazy in my philosophy and approach to business.

A New Consciousness in Business

There are so very many companies that are in desperate need of a refreshed Soul, Personality and purpose. Sadly, some of the best ones are publicly traded and that is where their turn for the worst happened and they had to often retool their business model and simply get back to the basics of putting the Customer First and Foremost.

In order to be a serious "Agent of Change" and have the Greatest Positive Impact on the World we at One SOARS! Partners and One SOARS! Energy have purposed that all of our Companies are created to Serve, Be of Service and to Inspire change - not only in business but - Most Important - in Each Person as well.​

The Virgin Global Brand has now become for me and our Team, a Great Inspiration as we now know that what We are aspiring to is highly achievable for, unbeknownst to us until now, Sir Richard has blazed the path and I find that VERY exciting!

For I have always believed that companies are created for the benefit of people and should be the shining examples of good Citizenship and should Absolutely "Be" the Leaders in each Community and not leave it up to the governments to control our schools, jobs and other facets of the community.

The Architects of our Country, the Founding Fathers were Brits as well, who simply wanted to do the right thing for its people and "Across the pond" as they say, is a very dynamic Brit in the form of Sir Richard Branson who is giving Captains of Industry a good deal of Lessons to the "Americans" here who have put their focus on virtually anything but Community and Service.​

Companies MUST constantly evolve and I have come to realize that a Truly Great Brand should not be their Product, not their Slogan, not even their category or positioning ownership. Great companies that survive and even thrive, are companies like "Virgin" whose “REAL” Brand is its People and HOW they Serve! 

You can have the BEST product in the world today and be a total memory the next - Remember the Huge Brands of days gone by like Westinghouse? Compaq? Pan AM - TWA? RCA? AOL? How about GTE - Paine Webber – Adelphia - Circuit City - Borders Books and Montgomery Wards?!​

These are Huge Brands that are gone or have dramatically lost their value and lost their cache. Even some companies that are huge have had huge failures. Remember BEFORE the iPhone that Apple created and released the Apple Phone in 2006? Nope – came and went so quickly that very few noticed and the huge success of the iPhone totally cremated the thought of the Apple phone.​

When you serve well and people love your Company they can be a very forgiving Lot. Starbucks bounced back when it lost its way and Howard Schultz returned to the helm to get the company back to what made it great – it’s people and their Service and giving people what they want and expect.

Ford and Toyota both have bounced back from disaster and can do so as long as they continue to “Innovate” the Customer experience and even work hard at surprising their Customers with their Services as much as their products.


My History

As a Man who Formerly was a Minister and Theologian I answer to a Higher Calling above what Mankind thinks. I have always simply wanted to do good things in the world for "All" of Mankind - I saw that I had essentially put myself into a box that while was very useful and inspirational - was also very limiting in the scope of the amount of and Quality of Positive Impact that I knew that I could have in the world and I wanted to be of service to All of Mankind and not limited by concepts, ideas.
One SOARS! is "One" of many companies under the Umbrella of "SOARS!" and soon the name of Green Dreams Energy will be changed to SOAR! Clean Energy Solutions. Why? Since I came up with the name SOAR! in 1989 and like Virgin, I have had a similar Vision as Sir Richard, that of businesses being an important part of each community and giving the VERY BEST of Service with the Best Possible products.
The very name SOAR! is intended to invoke Powerful Feelings and Emotions of Hope, Expectation, Revelation, and a Path of Success and Promise and the SOAR! Global Network is intended to Inspire People to know that they have an entire GLOBAL COMMUNITY supporting them - encouraging them and inspiring them to Soar to greater heights of Vision and in Your Own Personal Vision - by supporting you, we are helping to Facilitate the beginnings of a Greater and more Promising World of Consciousness that is absolutely needed in these days of overload of Information and not nearly enough inspiration to solidify lasting direction and Vision.

Passion & Focus
One SOARS! is much more than a word. We are comprised of "Real People" who are passionate about doing good things in the world and are Humanitarians First and Foremost and Moderately Zealous Entrepreneurs who see that Capitalism "Can and Should Be" used for the greater good of our planet and her people.​

We are ALL connected on this Earth and what each of us do as Individuals, effects all of us on many levels. We fully recognize that and consider what we do in the world "a privilege" and part of our Core Marketing from the Very Beginning is to use Community Based, fund raising opportunities to create Bran Awareness and Community Support.

Oddly - Successfully Run 120 Companies

Thomas Edison Successfully launched and ran over 100 businesses from a 5,000 square foot building while he cross-collateralized his staff and administrative resources which kept the overhead of each company dramatically lower than their competitors.

By combining finance, marketing, management, promotions and IT, Green Dreams Energy Systems, which is wholly owned by the Founders of SOAR!  Partners is also streamlining costs and resources to take more bottom line profits and place them where they “Should Go” – into the Communities that they serve Globally.

This cross-collateralization of resources achieves significant efficiency among many companies while leveraging synergistic business relationships and successes for the benefit of the entire portfolio. This way "Licensees" of each Technology are assured of the very best in support with each of their particular fields of expertise.

About One SOARS! International Partners

One SOARS! is positioned to capitalize itself with the profits from its technologies and Private Licensing Venture agreements and other income.

One SOARS! Partner companies are committed to remaining privately held and contributing 50% of their profits to a General Management Fund to help capitalize future promising green companies and to Fund and Fuel worthwhile Organizations that are focused on one or more of the following:


Holistic Wellness and Good Mental Wellness
Advanced Private Education for Personal Empowerment
Personal Wealth for Families
Building or retrofitting Homes to be sustainable
Social Communities that Target People in Need Globally


One SOARS! Has been formulated and logistically laid out over the past 15 years for this year of 2012 to be the Launch Date of a Super Brand that is “Of, By and For” the Good People of our planet and everyone has “good” within them or the “potential” thereof. Therefore even though not that many people know of our family of companies as of yet - we are going through a major Brand change and will be renaming every Company "One SOARS!" followed by its industry such as SOARS! Clean Energy Systems.

Even our Foundation is already included in this and "Gold Eagles SOARS!" will remain the same but our Social Network will become One name and that is One SOARS! a Global Family Network for we are going UP and Beyond a mere Social Network and bringing the Power and Connection of Community right into Your Hands - 24/7 where if you need your Community - somewhere in the world there are dozens of people ready and willing to help you.


We have formulated a Synchronistic Chain of events that is a Master Growth Pattern and this growth is being positioned right now in a "Sequential" and intelligent pattern that enables the maximum potential of "Ready to Go" technologies to be sold and installed, sometimes to the same Customers.

It all begins with "One" winning technology and that technology is One SOARS! Building Systems, which is being deployed as of this writing in September of 2016. Other technologies in our Quiver of Companies will soon follow.

Stay tuned to this exciting launch and there is MUCH – MUCH  - MUCH more to come and very shortly.

Onward and Upward We All SOARS!

Sterling Michaels Munce
One SOARS! International


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